For my LINK internship, I going to be mentored by the manager of graphic design at the local ski resort Durango Mountain Resort.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Tuesday March 27th

Today was the day that I started printing out all of my work and making it ready for display. as it turns out, I have a lot more work involved in my final project then I had expected.

Monday March 26th

Today, I worked on finalizing the summer rack card. I made various changes and about four different drafts and printed them out so we could look at them side by side and decide which looks better. I also worked a bit on finalizing the passes that I made. Making them look tip top. I also worked on recreating three of the Alpine Slide signs so they could be printed for the summer opening.

Thursday March 22

Today, I pretty much just worked with Sarah on the wedding inserts. She did a short tutorial with me in InDesign just to show me how InDesign works and what it is good for. It is a fairly interesting program because you can create multiple layouts for multiple pages in the same document, whereas in any other program such a Photoshop or Illustrator, you would have to open a new document for each page.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Mentor Interview

What is your artistic background?
Well I have a bachelers in Graphic design. I went into it as a profession because I knew I enjoyed it, so I went to school for it and got a job. Pretty simple. 

Who do you gain inspiration from?
Snowboarding, the outdoors, the industry, 

How did you obtain your current position as the graphic design manager for Purg?
I started working with the Graphic Design Manager at the time as the sign helper, then I worked my way up from there. 

Talk about working for the Broncos.
Well, It was my first professional job, so I was a little nervous. It was a lot of fun and a lot of work. Most of anything, it was my first professional job so it was very nerve wrecking because it was the Denver Broncos, which was big deal. 

What was it that made you decide that you wanted an artistic profession rather then business, etc..?
Well as a child, I enjoyed crafts. Taking a canvas and making fine art. I enjoyed being creative. Then in choosing a profession, I wanted a job that I would enjoy doing. Graphic Design is a profession that has a very broad range of mediums. You can create anything from fine art to advertisements and it is also a profession that I can do anywhere, because design is something that you do in your head, I can do when I'm snowboarding, sitting at my desk, wherever. and I wanted to work in the ski/snowboard industry. 
I love seeing things that I create in the community, its very rewarding to me. 

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Wednesday March 21

So today was an exciting day. I worked on a design for the summer employee pass and color correct some more photos in the morning. Then in the afternoon, a lady came in and checked out my design for the all season pass that I had been working on and the design for the employee pass and she ended up liking them, so my design will be on this summers employee pass and the design that I has originally made for the All-Season pass will be on next seasons Weak-Day pass, which is really exciting for me.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Tuesday March 20th

Today at work, I showed Sarah my new design for the All-Season pass and worked on that a bit with her. Then Sarah showed me how to use InDesign. A program that is used to make magazine layouts and sorts of things like that. She used that program to make the layouts for sheets that would be used to show the wedding venues at Purg.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

March 15th

Lately, in the evenings, I have been working on a summer advertisement card for Purg and thats what I was working on this morning. I pretty much finished it, then took lunch. Then for the afternoon, I worked on color correcting the wedding photos some more and I worked on the layout for that some too. I'm finding it amazing how much I can do for this internship and how much creative freedom I have and I love it. I can't evan explain how much I'm enjoying working on these types of projects. Right now, graphic design is on the top of my list for studying in college, I'm very interested in it at this point.

March 14th

So today, I started off the day working on Photoshop. I was color correcting a bunch ow wedding photos to be used in a packet for viewing the different venues that DMR offers for ceremonies and receptions. I did this until lunch, then after lunch, I posted a bunch of Locals Day posters around town. Not the most exciting day, but I still enjoyed it.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Tuesday, March 13th

Today, for the second day of my internship, I spent the morning learning and improving my skills in
Adobe Illustrator. Having a professional such as Sarah there to help me with learn this program help immensely. There are so many tips and tricks that she can teach me and is teaching me that I would never be able to learn nearly as fast by doing traditional tutorials because the things that she is teaching are tailored and relevant to what i want to accomplish, which makes a world of a difference.
For lunch, met up with Hank Stowers and we caught up with each other about our internships and I also ran into a few other fellow students and bought up with them as well. Everyones internships sound like experiences of a lifetime.
After lunch, I went up the the college and posted a bunch of College Day posters around the campus. After I was finished with that, I posted some other posters all over the town. Thats what I did today, still loving it!

Monday, March 12, 2012

First Day

So today was my first day working with Sarah Olsen, my mentor. I first met up with her at 9 in the morning and was introduced to some of the people at the Bodo office. We went over some of the things I would be doing to take up the time such as working on proposals or advertisement layouts. I also observed Sarah work on some posters which was cool to see the creation of a piece similar to what I would be creating. I also learned a couple new tricks on photoshop that really help improve pictures of skiing, which will really help me because I really like working on pictures of my friends and me skiing.
A big highlight of the day was that Sarah gave me Adobe Illustrator, and Adobe InDesign, to programs that are extremely useful in creating graphics or advertisements such as what Sarah creates and I will eventually be creating so I am extremely appreciative of her giving me those programs. Thanks Sarah!!